The Vegan Countdown

Month of veganism complete!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

It's All Butter!

Well guys I guess this is it. It's been a hell of a run. I've learned a surprising amount. I think if I live through the saturated fat binge I am about to engage in I will actually change some eating habits. I think with a little perspective this may have worked out well for me. We'll just have to see how it all plays out.

For now let me leave you with one final reflection, and that is: Butter is delicious! I completely forgot what I was missing, but it all came rushing back this morning when I went to breakfast with all my old friends. Eggs, Bacon, Toast and Butter - the whole gang was there this morning and man had I missed them. As I left the diner the sun was shining, birds were singing, and I swear colors were just a little bit brighter. I feel like I've been reborn. If this diet has taught me anything it's not to take anything for granted, you never know when you've had your last pat of butter.

Finally I'd like to thank my real life friends who - to a man - offered not one solitary word of encouragement or support through this entire experiment. If a guy's friends aren't going to tell him when he's doing something ridiculous who will? Don't worry guys - I'll be here to repay the favor next time you pull an absurd stunt - which knowing you all should be sometime within the next hour or so.

I'll see you around.

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