The Vegan Countdown

Month of veganism complete!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

In the beginning, there was meat...

And it was good.

Today we embarked on one blog-recorded month of meat-allowance prior to our 30-day vegan adventure.

After beginning the conversation of a "month of veganism" in April, the following questions have arisen:
  • What will we ever do without cheese and yogurt? We are both skeptical about the commercial animal-free options (for health and taste reasons), so we shall see starting June 1st.
  • Is alcohol vegan? To our surprise, it isn't always. Animal products sometimes are a part of processing. Here is the most comprehensive website we found for quickly gathering consumer information:
  • What about honey and leather? Suzy, the less-meat-eating of the duo, will be giving up her leather bags and shoes starting June 1. As for honey, it's only a month, and since it does come from bees, it's out from June 1-July 1.
  • Where will we ever get a good meal out of the house? Luckily, vegan restaurants and cafes are all the rage in NYC, so we (read: Suzy) are not too worried. Luckily, we also eat most meals from our tiny but amazing NYC apt kitchen. More to come in future postings on how we feel about these restaurants.
  • Finally, "our" final question: Really, Suzy? Why the hell are we doing this?


  1. Pernod does seem to be vegan. Here's a website that lists vegan alcohols by name (although they spelled it wrong): The Ricard website also makes no mention of animal processing!

    This seems to be good news for anise-loving vegans.

  2. Yay! And I'm here if you need a vegan support system. :)

  3. I'm psyched. When I get back from Italy, methinks we should take a group outing to one of NYC's many wonderful vegan restaurants.

  4. How bout this vegan guy:
