The Vegan Countdown

Month of veganism complete!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Suzy's Egg-cellent Breakfast

The month did a lot to improve my cooking skills and creativity, especially with legumes and vegetables. As mentioned in an earlier post, I have also improved my running performance. I feel that my body works more efficiently in this plant-based existence. Although I didn't eat anything "off" the vegan diet yesterday (we have a fridge full of delicious vegan foods, and I simply didn't crave anything else), I felt a huge sense of relief at not being restricted due to the self-imposed dietary guidelines of veganism. I've always eaten pretty large amounts of fruits and vegetables but prior to this month, got most of my protein from yogurt, cheese, and meat. Going forward, I am sure I will be eating a lot more plant-based proteins. What I like about being done with the month though, is not feeling any sense of guilt about wanting certain foods. I definitely crave and will choose more plant foods going forward, but plan on indulging any cravings for dairy and meat I might have.

Like this morning, on mile 5 of 7 of my run, I began to crave nothing but an egg sandwich. Without the restrictions of June, I thought to myself, "IT SHALL BE MINE." Whole wheat English muffin, egg, tomato--I literally gasped aloud in delight as I devoured the first bite of eggy goodness. And even after the month of increased plant foods, the honeydew and blueberries still tasted just as delicious!

The hours following were less delightful as I reintegrate my body to some occasional meat. But I imagine this to be a bit of karmic retribution for having convinced Brandt to give up his favorite foods for 30 whole days.

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