The Vegan Countdown

Month of veganism complete!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Chew on this

I've started to notice greater time spent chewing on this vegan diet--helllloooo fiber. Last night, after feasting on falafel with tahini (delightful), corn on the cob and salad, I decided to venture into my first attempt at baking. While not the muffins you might find in your favorite bakery, they came out as muffins, and certainly a nice treat for us while butter and eggs are not on the menu*. I recommend making the attempt if you have it in you. Or coming to our apartment in the next 24 hours (approximately the time it will take us to devour and gift the delicious dozen). Make sure you plan for enough time to chew it though.  

*Note: This was the first time I've ever baked and not had to slap Brandt's hand away from the batter and newly baked goodies. He made a breakfast of soy ice cream sandwiches instead. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Suzy! I found your blog a few weeks ago but completely forgot about it until today - was so excited to catch up on reading about your adventures (especially now that the adventure has officially begun). I am so curious to hear how it all goes - good luck and thanks for sharing! xo Calvine
