The Vegan Countdown

Month of veganism complete!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Ladies and Gentlemen, start your vegging.

We had a lovely beach excursion this past Memorial Day weekend. The house was full of former Yale football players + one men's lacrosse guy + 3 girls, at times not sure how to handle this rambunctious bunch. In short, the weekend was full of the shenanigans that will ensue as "adults", now productive members of society, all too easily reverted back to college activities (perhaps even pre-teen at times). One friend on this trip agreed to guest-blog. Below are his thoughts as we begin, today, one full month of veganism (Thanks, Tom.)

Hey guys, for those who don't know me, I am Tom Woznicki. Brandt and I were teammates in college, playing football at Yale, and I now think of him as one of my closest friends. More importantly, I was able to meet Suzy through Brandt and since college have been a frequent guest at their various New York apartments.

During a recent trip to the Jersey shore, Suzy and Brandt told me about this blog, and by extension, their plan for a month of veganism. My initial reaction was that, this could be a good idea, and if nothing else, a great learning experience. Personally, veganism is something that I really have never put too much thought into. Much like Brandt, food for me has always included meat as the centerpiece, so removing all animal based products from your diet seems almost blasphemous. I am very curious to see the long(ish) term effects on these two fine young folks, and hope to gain some insight on a foreign (for me at least) topic.

I think the most amusing thing for us, the readers/followers will be how something we take so for granted (like food) will affect so much of their lives. I expect some great conflict. Suzy's in-depth interest and knowledge of food and nutrition will be their most useful asset. The largest impediment to success will be Brandt's love affair with all things meat. What I am looking forward to most is the way these two will clash like batman and the joker, with unexpected (and hilarious) results.

A couple of more random predictions for the upcoming month:

Brandt will increase his alcohol intake, get drunk one night, and eat a big, fat burger.

Suzy will lovingly scold Brandt approximately 2452 times.

Brandt will develop an affinity for something like "deep fried tofu" and negate any and all positive health benefits from this experiment/diet.

Suzy will remain a vegan or vegetarian for an extra 3 weeks past the end of this experiment.

Well folks that'll be all for now, so in closing, I wish Brandt and Suzy the best of luck with their trip to vegan-land. May the road be paved with veggies and soy protein.

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