The Vegan Countdown

Month of veganism complete!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Texts from the first 24 hours

Brandt (2:29pm): "Lunch is no longer a happy time"..."Actually salad isn't bad"

Suzy (6:55pm): "You sure you don't want to come grocery shopping?"
Brandt (7:15pm): "I actually do wish I could go to the grocery but it would kill me to be around food now--rather hungry"

Brandt (Wed. 7:51am): "My stomach feels betrayed"


  1. Hey guys, it's been a while, but I just want to say I think your blog/experiment is awesome. I could never do it, but good luck!

  2. Thanks, AJ! If you and Chloe find yourselves in NYC in June, we'd love to have you for some vegan fare (including sours perhaps).
